Q & A Page

Q. When will be next major event ?
A: there is no official date, but for sure we will have one in near - mid future

Q. Why is and when a super - alliance is good, needed ?
A: After last Terra and events our results were not the best, so I start researching, more important I asked very experienced players (there are players that play this game since 2019). The logic answer was: 1. Gather powerful and active players in super-alliances. 2. We need both powerful players + active players - even they are not so much powerful. The mix between powerful and active players is the best.

Why super-alliances ? Because, as player you will get more gems, more resources, more rallies, so you will grow faster. Growing faster = the server/super alliances will be better in major events.

When ? If the server perform less better, then super-alliances should be permanent, the reasons above.

Q: Why people is hard to convince the super alliance is better ?
A: Because all people have a resistance to change. Also, there are players that rely more on gaming, others on social. But there can be crisis situations that require to overcome these preferences/past.

Q: I am not in the super alliance, what should I do ?
A: This is not necessarily a bad thing. Your place is based on game rules, on your accounts stats. You need to start finding the best alliance you can fit. When you will be ready, you will go further.

Q: I am not a top player, this makes me less important for game / server ?
A: No, the game offer many opportunities for all to be extremely useful. 
Example: on SvS less powerful players can take gathering facilities. Without them your alliance could lose the event.
ON last SvS I was in gathering team for my alliance.

Q: How can be useful for other events ?
A: Ask here, ask on game, your alliance .. for each event you will participate.

Q: What hero should I get ?
A: Check this https://topwarlords.blogspot.com/2023/05/top-heroes-and-teams.html.
Above is the list made by game players that weekly test all heroes. This is the best way to be sure your time / money investment is good even for 2 years.

Q: I am free to play player / no money spend, how can I get top heroes ?
A: Check event that offer universal shards for gems.

Q: How can I get more gems free ?
A: Being in a more active alliance is the best way, followed by events, radar and so on

Q: I don't spend money ? How good can I be ?
A: The game require 2 things: time or/and money. 
If you spend more time but no money you can get almost everything, but in more time.
If you spend money, you will get things faster.
Also, game offer many things and choices, some are useless or bad, to be good you have to be sure you make the right choices.

Q: How do you know which offer is good/bad ?
A: Most of details I get are from internet, from game content creators that test and do math for offers and many other things. If no available details, then I get all details about all offers and compare the unit price, easy, but time consuming.

Q: Is only you costa that can provide guides or advices ?
A: No, there are a lot of other server members that can do it. 
Also, there are many that have better skills then me or even more experienced. Here some examples:
Ogre/JPY is more experienced for events, he saw and test events on his other account/server that I know nothing.
Emperor, better social skills, very organized.
Teej, Khenomo, Rotora, Eram, Loustik and MANY OTHERS with great experience and expertise. Again, so MANY OTHERS.
I am also expect from them to step in and help us all.

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